DTAG have written to Cllr Jon Andrews (portfolio holder for Transport at Dorset Council) to ask whether the council will support Low Traffic Future’s “Transport Choices Challenge”. Low Traffic Future (LTN) is an organisation set up by Roger Geffen MBE (ex policy lead for UK cycling).
The group has been supporting councils with guidance to local authorities over their Local Transport Plans when none was forthcoming from government. Now, LTN has set up a “Transport Choices Challenge” which encourages local authorities to reduce car-dependence locally, by setting ambitious targets in their Local Transport Plans, together with some headline policies to achieve these targets.
Several councils including Reading, Oxfordshire, West Midlands and York have joined the scheme and proposed or set out genuinely ambitious targets to reduce motor traffic.
Now DTAG is asking Dorset Council whether it will do the same. Roger Geffen writes: “Low Traffic Futures have invited all Local Transport Authorities in England to signal their aspirations to reduce car-dependence locally, by setting ambitious targets in their Loccal transport Plans. Several other LTAs have already signed up and we were wondering if Dorset would consider doing so as well ?”